





英語レッスン  ~dictation~

She runs faster than him.

She runs the fastest.

He dances worse than she does.  - bad  worse  worst-  badの比較級をすっかり忘れてました。

She sings more beautifully than me.

He comes to the office the earliest.


質問された内容が分からない時:I'm not sure.  

スマホにについて:I can do only simple things.

                                 I can use a smart phone anytime and anywhere.

What do you want to eat for dinner?


~What do you do on the Valentine's day in Japan?~

It 's the day when you can see so many chocolates at department stores and supermarkets. There is a space for special event. So many women buy some chocolates for their boyfriend, their husband, their father, their son, their women's freind and themselves. Famous patissiers in France and Belgium come to Japan. Women who buy chocolates made by them can shake hand with them and get their autographs. But these are very expensive.